Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Dreaded Day is Arriving

I came home from work yesterday and I was informed by my wife that J'alee said she was going to marry a boy.  OK well no big deal right she said this before when she was little just because she was friends with a neighbor boy.  So I said alright who is it.  She told me his name.

Upon hearing this my little girl says that she is going to marry him.  Me and my little self just couldn't leave it alone so I asked why she said that.  She said she didn't know until I found out that one of her best friends likes him.  She then tells me that her friend thinks he's cute.  I said do you think he is cute she said "uh huh".

Here is an example of my mental picture:

I said oh OK and turned to my wife grabbed her arm and buried my face in her shoulder and said "oh dear heaven this cant start already, I'm not ready for that, she's not ready for that, she's too young"

So, I get by everyday feeling rest assured that she only thinks this boy is cute because of her friend.  That's where I'm gonna leave it.

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