Sunday, September 11, 2011

LaPush Beaches: First and Second

Over the Labor Day weekend we got to go out to Forks, WA and LaPush to see Second Beach and also First Beach.  The hike to Second Beach is pretty good although both my young kids were able to do it.  It might stink when carrying a lot of gear to go camping there but the beach and views are worth it!  After that we went to First beach which isnt as nice but still pretty nice!
 Gotta love footprints in the sand!
 I think Jacob was here before us!
 OH!  There he is!   Nope, it was just cold water!
 Cool Anemone

 Playing in the water....before swimming suits of course...why would we wait?
 Sittin in a tree K I S S I N G !

Beach Bum Baby!
 Matching Forks hoodies.  Can you believe I almost had to buy that blue?  Thanks babe for giving in and letting me have the brown!
 This starfish I swear was gonna die it was out in the dry hot sun.  I tried to take it off so I could reattach it to  a place where water was but couldnt first of all and second thought that if detatched it wouldnt reattach so I left it alone.

 There have some amazing old wood there that the sun, waves and wind have weathered.  It is fantastic for pictures! 
 EWW their kissing!
 I spy my love with my little eye!
 On First Beach really trying to make footprints...or pootprint has the kids used to call them.
 Here Baby J was running down the beach as the water went out and then up the beach when it was coming it.  When the water was up he would bend down pick up a rock and then throw it back into the ocean screaming "BAD WATER".  He sure showed the water!

1 comment:

Katy said...

cool vacay!! love all the great pics, la push looks awesome (and i was imagining it would be much busier... awesome!)