Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ultimate Rebellion

I remember growing up as a kid that I tried to keep the rules most of the time.  I had some examples in my life of those who did and those who didnt and how it effected their life.  For me those who fought against the authority like it was the ultimate rebellion seemed like there was more grief involved in that so it was never really worth it to  me.

I took the kids to the park on a rare sunny afternoon and discovered that they more often than not climb the slide to go down it again rather than walking around the side to use the stairs.  No I realize this is much easier and that the Principle of Least Effort comes into play here but I never remember doing that till I was an older less mature kid.  For me when I did it I remember that it felt like "the ULTIMATE REBELLION!"  Was I alone in that?  What say you readers?

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