Saturday, February 19, 2011

It Starts Again

Just as I thought that I was done with this shopping coupon thing for all the last week this week crept up fast even though it seemed like the week went by really really really really slowly.   So off to the store we went.  Which turned into another and another and soon it was 8 stores in 7 hours.  UGH!  We spent so long with so many coupons and so many rewards cards.

We came home and the kids helped me carry endless amounts of sacks up the little hill and stairs to the house.  Then Baby J then started carrying items into the kitchen floor saying "order" or "you order" as his way of helping us.  We were putting away all of those groceries and then the kids lined up the paper towels and toilet paper and made themselves a counter.  Then proceeded to move items from one side to the other while saying scan...scan...scan...scan and "oh I have coupons" and "can i see your rewards card".

Seems like someone is getting the message.  Im just waiting for a prince from Nigeria to email me and tell me I' related to him and that I just inherited millions.  :)

*for those who dont know that is a common email fraud scam

1 comment:

Candace said...

hahahaha!! Good for you!! I love coupons, but i'm definitely not as good at using them as you obviously are!