Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Did That Just Happen

So let me paint a picture for you. Little picked on me getting about three houres sleep a night. Come home from a crazy day to kids who have a day where they struggle to listen. Little Baby J is clmbing all over me and after 8 nice attempts to tell him to stay off I get frustrated and szy "dude im not a climb toy get off me". Well he is over tired and starts to cry. Ja'lee then comes to the defense and starts sassing and chewing me out. So i firmly told her how she would be punished in not so favorable way and she starts to cry. Realizing what has just happened i try to tell her she can defend hr brother and that is always a good thing but how she did it was sassy and rude. Well she calms down a little bit and says "i dont want to be by you dad why dont you go to your room".

Without saying a word i just go up and went to my room and locked the door. I was left to ponder whst just happened in blissful quiet for about 10 minutes before Baby J camr in and pushed on the locked door till it popped open. Later Ja'lee came and did the same thing asking why yhe door was locked. This time i was wiser and remained quiet.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

too funny! thanks for your comments blake!