The state of California has a deadline that any teachers that are to be layed off have to have their pink slip or notice sent to them by the end of tomorrow. It appears that 25,000 teachers will be layed off across the state just to make budget plans.
Two things to think about. First if there are 20 students per teacher, as is the case in most Kindergarten classes that is 500,000 children who now have to be crammed into other teachers classes. Not a good ratio and very poor educational standards! Second, if we are to get out of economy and be an advanced nation electronically, technologically, scientifically, and in health care we need better education even for kids just starting out. This is wrong.
I am sure this is not only the case in California but a lot of other states as well. Remember that Whitney Houston song where children are our future?! Stand up for our children, peacefully protest for better alternatives. Dont stand for legislation your elected officials will pass without your voice being heard. Write them, today...NOW!
actually that's Vanessa Williams song ;)
That is so sad! It is shocking how many layoffs there are right now, especially in the education field. Where I live, they are constantly closing schools and shifting things to lessen how many teachers they have. Very sad.
That is so sad! As a former teacher myself, man those classrooms can get crowded. Most of my classes had 36 students in them (which is the maximum permitted by law in the Davis County School District). At one point, my 8th period class had 37 students and he was just forced to sit on a spare bench because I didn't have a desk for him because as one of the vice principals told me: "having 37 desks in a classroom would LOOK bad." As a teacher, I felt like I could teach 60 at a time, but I would need an auditorium, a mic, and time to grade papers to make it happen.
I promise it is a Whitney Houseton song at least originally.
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