Friday, March 20, 2009

Letter to Jo Jo

I hope things are well for you out there in FL. Things are nice here. It seems that spring has sprung with flowers and blossoms coming out. There are more everyday here. I sure miss that part from Cali. J'alee learned how to ride a bike and I am finding it ironic that I learned here and she did too. I never thought that we would end up back here. Baby J just keeps growing like a weed. He can now say help when he needs help. He also enjoys patting his knees and singing along with Little Einsteins "Ra Ra Ra Rocket". Even with his bowed leg he is getting a bit better at running.
K and I have decided that San Francisco, despite its obsession with Obama, is one of our favorite places. We will just stay away from the Obama crazies. When we drove in to San Fran the other day I took a wrong turn and we ended up heading up the hills on the northwest side of the city. There was a big rainbow flag billowing in the wind. I didnt see a single American Flag billowing in the wind anywhere. Interesting contrast for me.
We arent sure what will happen with us after this assignment. They said we could extend us for a month but then we arent sure. There are only a few positions open around the country. Though there is one in St. Thomas on the Virgin Islands, but it doesnt pay much. It would be nice to go there! Raise my kids on the beach and we would be closer to you, though slightly less accessible.
Well we wish you a great day and sure miss you. Where is my letter?!?!
Blake and fam!


Rach said...

Liberal weirdos! They should fly the flag that allows them to be gay! But it sounds beautiful! We finally had 60 degrees today

Jackie said...

I'm so glad you like it there in California and the blossoms sound wonderful. We were having spring and then today it snowed and was beautil in Logan. I bet Jonna will love your letter, I sure did. I am very interested to hear where you will be next.

JAW said...

Oh blake forgive me. I have letters, stamped but unsent. I am sorry for being to inattentive! I will repent:) Blake. There are many beautiful things in the world. so you often read your scriptures in the sunrise? Do you notice the way the flowers smell? so you notice the illumination of the moon in the darkness? I dare you to look. I will come up with something interesting to blog. I swear it. I love you! I miss you. mwa.