Thursday, June 28, 2012

Repeal the Healtcare Bill

The Supreme Court upheld the idea that it can enter commerce, even though they stated that was unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court stated that the medicaid portion of the bill was unconstitutional but because congress wouldnt come up with anything different they didnt want to strrike down the whole bill for their "light constitutional findings".

Do you find their findings light?  I most certainly hope you dont, regardless of sides you are on.

The supreme Court said that it is legal to tax you on anything and then force you to buy it.  Are you ok with that?

The Supreme Court said that 26 million americans wont get insurnace still.  But they upheld a law that would treat them unfairly by fining them and throwiung them in jail for 5 or more years.

Is that ok with you?

There are some great parts to this bill that can be kept and some that could be enhanced.  Let's do that and repeal the rest!

Dont vote for any currently elected official that is beyond their original term length.  Get new people in there and get good people who will uphold and protect the constitution!  It is up to you.  Go get educated on the people to choose from, get educated on the issues and go out and vote.

I hope your education and choice leads you to people who want to repeal this bill because it is unconstitution in several different parts.

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