Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Orcas Island Fun Time

Out in the San Juan Islands in Washington is an island called Orcas Island.  It is a small island mostly a place where cyclists like to go to ride with low traffic.  It is probably a good idea since the 1 gas station on the island is $5.01 a gallon.  We took the ferry from Anacortes, WA out to Orcas Island.  We drove through Moran State Park and up to Mount Constitution.  There we were able to view most all of the San Juan Islands.  They had a little activity for the kids to color in the box for the items they saw on the way to the top 

 Did you know that the Puget Sound isnt really a sound?  It is a Fjord just like you would typically see in Norway.  Basically a whole lot of water created by glaciers creating islands all over between water.  You can see why in the next few pictures with beautiful views.

 Perhaps he wasnt as entertained as I was.  But he was intense while looking at me in his stroller.
 Here you are looking out a Birch Bay behind the cloud of smoke close to the middle of the picture.  Beyond that is Golden Ears, Canada.
 Me and my sweetie standing at the top of Mount Constitution overlooking the San Juan Islands.
 The kids on top of rocks overlooking Vancouver, Canada.  they were pretty good up there and didnt smile all the time but we did manage to get this.
 Of course the boy likes to clench his face and fists and hold his breathe.  He does it to get laughs.  My older son used to do it too.  He would hold his breath until he was almost blue and then release and laugh.  Here you seem my baby boy doing it.
 Of course it was so funny we had to do it together!  It looks kind of funny huh?!
 Then we laugh together about it 
 Then we wave and smile for the camera to get a good picture!
 We went on a hike to a lake and saw this open tree with some spider webs.  It seemed like some good light so I thought I would snap a shot of it.
 The first set of falls on our hike.  It looks nice though huh!
 My son loved to pick up things and play with things.  Here he is with a stick.  If it fell he would lean over so far he would almost tip over the whole stroller just to get it.
 Ladies man here getting kisses from the ladies.  He really didnt want to take this picture but we got a shot out before he ran away.
 Cascade falls was the hike we took.  There were three falls there one very small one medium and a larger one.  It was a nice little walk but it was difficult with a stroller.
 Here is the entrance to the park.  It was a very nice park with lots of hiking and some camping.  I definately would recommend going there!
 As we boarded the Ferry back to Anacortes here is a shot of Orca Harbor.  It is a tiny little quiant town.
 The sun was setting and looking excellent in the sky with the clouds and against the water.  The picture doesnt really do it justice!
 The kids were good sports and suffered a little bit of wind and cold.  I got a few shots out before they were ready to go back in.  But I wasnt able to get any good ones except this one and a few silly ones.
 This one just makes me crack up!
 This is my goofy boy I love all three my kids so very much!
 Our auntie shot this one with a ferry in the background and some excellent sun light just before it went down.  It was a very nice trip!

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