Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Box....Results or Shame?

I am hoping people are seeing what I said back in the last election.  This was going to be bad to have one party so in control, with people in office well over term limits and a long history of low approval ratings for congress.

So we have had a long, hard, gruling, worrisom and down right boring and frustrating 2 years of out of control spending, stomping on the rights, illogical appointments to cabnite and supreme court, ignoring of the peoples will, stepping into state politics in regards to canidate selection, election campaigns and state laws.  We have had voters choice overturned in some states regarding laws/propositions etc.

My thoughts are simple.  Again there is no winning in this election.  Reid and Boxer are still in office as well as Murray leading with results pending for tomorrow.  We saw a huge shift in one party being elected in one election which perhaps is needed but perhaps can go to some peoples heads.  We wanted things to be different lets just hope that the tea tastes good otherwise we will have the same thing as we did before a bad taste in our mouth and indigestion.

The winner is that more canidates that havent served over term limits were projected or declared winners this year than ever before perhaps!  This is excellent regardless of party.  Pelosi will no longer be the Speaker of the House and that in itself is almost heaven!

So my issue is with Nevada and California tonight.  Come on really?  A so self entitled Senator who is behind every single horrible piece of legislation which will cost you money, ruin your economy, environment, and healthcare coverage and system who doesnt give curtosey to fellow Senators, militiary leaders or even constituents.  The same person for over 3 terms now.  Next California elected the oldest person to be goverenor who said in his speak is "really into this politics thing".  Hurray for democrates bashing McCain for being old.  My message is you deserve what you get!

Washington because you have vast improvements in close races, good choices on the issues and the tight race between Murry and Rossi being uncalled you arent on my list of shame.

1 comment:

Phil and Cami said...

Thank you Blake! I was infuriated as I watched Reid win (not that I was in love with Angle, but anyone is better than Reid!). I really have to ask myself if there was not something going on to get him back into office. There were some awfully fishy events happening around here. AKA voting machine changing peoples votes, pulling up with all democrate canidates already marked, late reporting blamed on power outages in multiple places and I'm not sure exactly what happened but someone on the radio was saying something about there being 36,000 votes for Reid that had been counted prior to a poweroutage being fixed. I don't know, but I'm pretty bummed out about no change around here.