Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To Each His Own...Or Just to Me?

I want to write concerning a very touchy sitaution for many people across the nation.  I do not want to target any single group, area or person so I will address it in a general letter.

To Whom It May Concern, 

There is a lot of things to be said about the saying "to each his own".  It can apply in many ways and in many situations.  I believe the root belief and system of thought that fosters this saying is genuine good will for all people and diversity.  I am for this philosophy and strive to do my best to follow this system of thought as well. 

History of our country has shown that diversity of cultures, races, sciences, businesses, states, areas, and many other things has been beneficial to us in our daily lives.  This being said and all things considered I want to say a few words. 

If you sign petitions, march, please, accost, utilize media and literature, special interest groups, laws and government to try your hardest to have "tolerance" and "equal rights" perhaps you should remember that others have theirs too.    You can and are entitled to your own belief but you can and ought to allow the same for others.  You cannot ask for that which you are not willing to give yourself.

I sympathize with maltreatment, lament the actions of others who drive others to feel so horrible about themselves that they then choose to make an extremely unfortunate decision.  Let us remember a few years ago when there were physical threats and acts of violence, protest and even chemical warfare that were invoked and inflicted on people from both sides of all races, cultures, religions and different systems of thoughts.  It is not "to each his own except for me".

So here is my pleading.  People please teach yourself, family and others around you "to each his own" and good will to all people.  For that is what our country is founded on.  The very laws we have and system of government and election is based of the idea of the good will of the people.

So here it is a little meanly addressed to both sides of bad behavior.  Lay off what is mine and be tolerant with good will.  I am and will do the same for you!  Any comments on this post will be tolerated if they are of a good willed nature, not derogatory, made with anger/malice, prejudice and are not comments to entice a debate.  For the love of pete people dont let your kids tease other kids it is just common sense.  If you let your kid tease and pick on others perhaps you should just get a frontal lobotomy so all you have to worry about is what is for lunch.


Alicia said...

Well said. I agree, with to each his own until someone's own effects my own. I want my children to attend public school and have creationism taught as well as evolution, as just an example. I'm with ya Blake!

B-Blogit said...

Right on A! Seriously I think that people forgot how to be human. Avatar went to too many peoples' heads.