Monday, June 28, 2010

Amazing Thing

Many of you readers out there have kids and know what it is like to hurry around all day and especially sunday mornings.  This family we are friends with has 5 girls all under 8 years old.  Our kids love to play with them and they are kind enough to watch our kids for us quite frequently!

They are nothing short of amazing.  Prime example Mr Family we will call him is my home teaching partner and we go out to presidency meeting and then home teaching once a month and sweet Mrs. Family watches all 7 kids herself.

Next example is this family makes it to church every sunday just about and that alone is amazing.  This particular sunday they all sat in a row behind us and Mr. Family was holding the baby and he looked over at Mrs. Family and said I think she needs a bottle.  She promptly reaches into the diaper bag pulls out a bottle and just threw it right down the row to the open and awaiting hand of Mr. Family!  IT WAS AWESOME!!!  Complete syncronization, thought process and team work!  I laughed for a good long while and thought if this was LDSPN that would make top 10 plays of sacrament meeting for sure!

At any rate this family is so amazing, generous, always willing to help out and down right "good people"!  We will surely miss them when we both are gone!


Small Stones said...

WOW! I thought those families only existed on TV! Go them for being so great! :) And Blake, I LOVE the idea of LDSPN! HA HA! Now that would be a great blog! Telling stories of the perfect pass, or a play gone bad. HA HA! What a laugh that would be! :)

B-Blogit said...

Im so glad someone got the LDSPN! Makes my day and was all bummed earlier no one said anything so you rock my socks for mentioning it! :)

The Kelly Family said...

We're awesome, I know! jk. I think that was a lucky throw. Don't know if I could do it again.