Sunday, May 9, 2010

One for the Moms'

It has been a nice day. Got to church before sacrament, with breakfast and my sweet wife.  Had our traditional grilled cheese lunch after and no homework to do last minute and K doesnt have to go back to work tonight it is a sweet day for sure!  We did have an outing planned but cancelled it due to light rain but that is alright.

Moms' got handed out some sort of scented body wash goodness from nursery kids and chocolate chip cookies from the primary kids.  That was kind of nice.  This year J'alee is old enough that she got to "officially" sing with the primary and it sure melted the heart of mama.

Now the mooshy stuff.  I feel that I am like one of the stripling warriors.  Im in no way fit, ripped or as faithful, Im more like Lemuel off the Living Scriptures videos.  Chubby whiny and struggles to make the best choices.  There is my tangent...back to topic. I feel that I am surrounded by mothers who teach and help me as if I were one of the stripling warriors.  The teaching has been done but examples are set and love, trust, compassion and wisdom are shared bounteously.
One of these is my wonderful mom I have.  She bears so much, is a great example in so many areas and is pretty tolerant when I tell her I just cant take things anymore and can help me chill out.  She wise, spiritual, dedicated and works so hard!  She was a great teacher to me as a kid which has helped me be who I am today. She is dedicated, full of love for all her family and always wants to help in so many ways. I really think that I could ask for a better mom but then I would just get her again cus there isnt a mom greater.
Many people have issues in the mother-in-law department (MIL) but I am extremely fortunate.  My MIL is so great too.  She is a good example of dedication, love, taking it easy, and patience and we enjoy doing things with her cus she strives to make it fun.
I have examples from friends mom like mother martineau and banks.  Outside of my mom growing up these women have had a profound effect on me. They examplified (is that a word) mom to a T as well just like my mom and their example helped me turn out right.
More examples come from grandmothers of how to live the gospel, marriage and receive shining words of wisdom from my grandmother S who set the example for our family.  She is rooted so deep in gospel and family that all my memories of her are just those.  Family reunions, testimonies, wise words and I cant leave out the worlds greatest potato salad!  Because it is that good!
I also have lucked out in the in law department in grandmother as well.  Our grandma B is just like she is my own grandma.  She is a great example of love for family, marriage and the gospel. She scarifies a lot to do what is needed to be a great mom and grandmother! Our grandma M is a great example of generosity in all she does, ready to welcome you at any moment and has a heart full of love.
Last of all my sweetie!  Everyone else has to take a backseat in comparison to best wife and mom of all.  This  woman I am married to does it all and extra.  She first of all has to act like a mother to me, because lets face it  I am like another kid most of the time.  She bears the burden of teaching the kids, supporting me, helping with household duties, planning and making happen all the fun activities (cus im the fat prude she has to drag around).  Beyond this she has helped me through the end of my bachelors, working to keep our house and now to pay off debt and through my masters.  It is above and beyond the needs and her responsibilities.  She carries the load of a mother and a lot of a father as well.  She does all of this with little to no sleep in a small apartment with paper thin walls and 2 toddlers screaming and romping around all day with a dad who also tends to be noisy.
This woman I am so lucky to have carries heavy burdens and within her the capacity, desire and dedication to do what is right, needed and what has to be done.  She is woman and she is strong!  She also loves us three kids so much and we love her.
Mooshiness over!  Happy Mothers day to all the Stripling Moms' in my life!  Sure love and appreciate you all!


Rachel Holloway said...

VERY sweet post! You do have a great wife--and you are both lucky to have each other!! :)

Mindy said...

I'm lucky in the mil department too. :) what a great post! You have lots of great moms in your life.

Katy said...

Sounds like you have some wonderful women in your life, Blake! Great tribute to them- you did a great job!