Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Off Spring in the Spring....Round 3?

Look what I found outside. Now the ducks are getting in on the action. New ducklings this week. Here are some pics along with some from the geese babies as well to remind you what they are like!
Geese babies (second batch 1 above and 2 below)

New ducklings running everywhere away from my camera (below)

Mr classy (above) and hurdler (below)
swimming with mama who they always follow never straying away.
Geese babies (batch 1 below)
Geese babies batch one feeding time (below)

1 comment:

Small Stones said...

Awwww, these are SO FUN! I LOVE your pictures! And I LOVE seeing the little ducklings and goslings. SO CUTE! I bet your kids LOVE them! :D (And maybe you, too...they are like "pets" you don't have to feed, walk or clean up after! HA!)