Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Turning To Jello

I havent posted a lot this week since I have been with my family down at Disneyland.  There are many things that this trip has taught me that my legs and bum really can become jello except it isnt sloshy and cushy when you sit, it is more like it is runny.  Seriously jello muscles.  But here are 10 things I have learned so far.

1) close quarters with a family sometimes isnt always so nice
2) no matter now nice the hotel the mattresses just dont get any better
3) Disneyland is not the happiest place on earth (thanks to security coming to break up and fight and crying children all around and on my back and on my shoulders and in my stroller...)
4) the lines are always going to be longer than you expect and therefore = bored children (see #3)
5) hotels just cant give away free internet even though they already have it themselves so $5 a day is chump change to people in LA apparently.  So this equates out to early morning postings in pj's with wild hair and morning breath down in the lobby.  Good thing you all cant smell it!
6) my daughter can get star struck from disney characters aka underpaid "interns" in a huge hot suit, costume and/or wig!
7) expect the unexpected.  Example, day one was too much walking not enough planning a mouse macked on my little girls hand, a freaky junk yard droid lady nearly gave my son a heart attack while a goofy no good space captain made suggestive dance moves in my face!  hehe!
8) you have to learn from experience even on vacation (day two and on were much better)
9) there are no alcoholic beverages sold in disneyland except in one place.  This would be at the Pirates of the Caribbean area where they have a private club.  Yes you can join for $10,000.  Currently they are not accepting members and there is a 10 year waiting list so good luck!
10) the barbaque all you can eat in the back of adventure land is way over priced for my food interest but hey you get to watch cheese yet mildly funny country singing entertainment.

There is more and you dont have to worry about pictures I will get them up soon but perhaps not till we get back on monday so you will just have to wait in anticipation till then!  Or you could send me by paypal $5 to cover my cost of internet and I will gladly post some!  No it isnt a 501 charity but after the first $5 I will send the rest on to a charity for kids though how about that.


Katy said...

hahahahah!!! this cracks me up- your family vacation sounds freakishly familiar to the ones we had growing up!! (that's why i refuse to ever take our kids on vacation.... i'm no martyr! heck, i don't even take Ava to the MALL...)

Well, hang in there, these are awesome memories- don't forget anything!! Oh and I'm getting on that Private Pirate Party Waiting List.... by the time I actually GET in the club, Ava will be a pre-teen and I'll be NEEDING some liquor and fellow pirates to keep me sane.

B-Blogit said...

Yeah Katy it is quite a trial to stand in line waiting for a fairy to sign a cheesey little notecard and say hi turn and pose for a picture. Meanwhile the line is in complete sun and an hour long.

I realize it is disneyland and so many others are there for their experience and their kids experience so not much could be done there but for me it just takes away the magic.

No real solution to it though. Anyhow the family is ready to go finally so I best get back to the huge piles of coats, bags strollers and screams now!

B-Blogit said...

PS it is worth it for some of the memories I have though it is just like life you have to get through the struggles, screams and drudgery!

Azteroth said...

Oh no, Club 33 is far more exclusive than that. You have to be the CEO or a MAJOR corporation to join it as well, which makes the $10k/year cost seem vaguely more reasonable. And yes, there is a 10 year waiting list.

Frankly, though, I love the fact that they don't sell alcohol there, it's a kid friendly place and I've never been to any place that sold alcohol that didn't end up looking grungy and have trash all over the place. Not to mention how much drunk people can ruin good clean fun for everyone else.

Personally, I love Disneyland. The key to it is to remember that it's not an amusement park. If you want that then six flags is your destination. Really, the best way to enjoy Disneyland is to relax and let your kids guide you. And rest often if your not used to standing and walking for days at a time. :)

Rachel Holloway said...

SO funny! What an adventure...can't wait to see pics!

B-Blogit said...

Im glad that they dont sell those kinds of drinks in the park either and i dont drink em either I thought it was interesting that they didnt except for that club.

Thanks for the tip to remember it isnt a theme park I will have to remember that! Only a few more days left to try and walk through!

Azteroth said...

Oh, and if you haven't seen it yet, be sure to catch Fantasmic. The beast way to do that is to grab some hot chocolate and about 45 minutes to a half hour before the show go park it somewhere on the rivers of America and sit down and take a rest before the show, since you have to stand through it. That way you should be able to find a place where you kids can see it with out you having to hold them. If you can't catch Fantasmic, then at least get to the fireworks. The best way to see them is it find a place in front of the Castle (between the castle and the statue of Walt) about the time Fantasmic starts (again, with some hot chocolate & food for the kids). Sit down & wait for a great show. :)

B-Blogit said...

We sat after the parade and held a bench for the fireworks which was awesome might have been my fav thing yet.

I dont know what Fantasmic is though I havent seen that yet. The parade this year is "Celebrate You". It is fun though.

Azteroth said...

Fantasmic is a night time lights and water show...thing. It is easily the Coolest show in Disneyland. It usually shows twice a night on weekends and I think every night during the summer. The fireworks are immediately after the second showing.
The show lasts about a half hour and is performed on the rivers of America (across from the entrance to Pirates). it features a whole slew of Disney characters (they even have Peter Pan and Captain Hook come out and do a battle on the Columbia). They use water screens to project some video, if you're too close to the river you get wet and there is some pretty awesome music. There is even a dragon who lights the Rivers of America on fire. :)
If you missed it, it is a great excuse to plan another trip. :)

...Sorry about going on and on about it. I got to go to Disneyland a lot as a kid, and even at least once a year as an adult except for the last couple of years and I'm going through withdrawals. Lol.