Friday, April 16, 2010

Going Against the King of Pop

As many of you know Michael Jackson has been called the king of pop for many different reasons.  While I respect that his songs for the most part are catchy and I like many of them I am going against one of the songs when he sings "keep it in the closet".  Yes it is true.  The inevitable build up of clutter junk lazy throwing around of excess stuff has made it so once again I cannot close the closet doors well enough to not get bugged out.

I think there is just a certain level of clutter than Im willing to withstand then I have to go all housekeeping on it, except there wont be a courtsey knock first.  Just the harsh ripping and throwing of stuff into keep, trash and donate bins.

1 comment:

Katy said...

HA! me too! it always just hits me one day and i go crazy with the trash bags and the "why the HECK do we have so much CRAP!!" screams... it's ugly... real ugly!