Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thoughts on Haiti

Many of us have had our thoughts on Haiti now since the earthquakes. What is more puzzling is why havent we had our thoughts on this country before. You can look at the list of rulers and most were overthrown, killed, or suicides. The government is struggling. Their age expectancy for new borns is 52 years old, HIV contraction rates are high, disease is high, they have a negative national product. People have to wait in line once a week for their share of rice which consist of half a bowl of rice per person a day. Now buildings and infrastructure are destroyed and in ruins. They are anticipating 200,000 dead!

All this being said I was flipping through the luxuary of my tv and saw a debate on Fox News between the anchor and a guest who is unknown to me. The guest was saying we shouldnt take anymore Haitians in because they are a drain on the economy. They costs us in healthcare, taxes, insurance then they get pregnant and we have legalized babies and moms which drain the economy. I cant help but think this man is down right selfish! I then read this article today in which the President of the country of Senegal said he would give free land tho those who want to return to African or return to their roots as he put it. With so many giving it is a stark comparison with this guest on Fox News. Our country was made great on the backs of immigrants. Their hard work, intelligence brought us to where we are today. Even our very own White House was built by them!

This being said I felt there was something I could do. I was connected with an old friend who is helping raise money for friends who are connected with an orphanage there in Haiti. It is run by a branch president of our church. They had 24 kids under the age of 10 before the quakes and now they have 84. I have created this website to raise money for them! It also gives information on how to send non monetary donations as well.

If you havent given and want to, this is a good place. If you already have given and want to again this is the place! Click here!


Rachel Holloway said...

THAT IS SO LAME! (the newsanchor debate). I happen to know of several people while I was serving my mission who would come over from Mexico for "visits" when they were due to have a baby and then HAVE their babies here on medicaid and then leave. So many people are trying to adopt children from Haiti and are 100% willing to care for them--not leave them to the system. It's baffling why one situation would be okay with the visit to have a baby on our system, but that having total poverty and no where to live would make it any less worse.


B-Blogit said...

In the case of Haiti for, for me anyway, I see it as many peoples lives are displaced, homes destroyed and they got no where to go. I would rather offer them somewhere to be here than just turn them away because of the economy.

Seems like the greater good needs to be served to allow them to come over. I would let any of them come stay with me but it doesnt work like that. That was my line of thinking when I heard that guest on the news.

Sure they may have babies and it might effect the economy. But it is the greater good not to mention they might have it better off here anyway.

I agree with you very Grr!!

3GKnight said...

While I, in no way shape or form, agree with the guest that we should shut our borders to the Haitians, I'm not so optimistic about the supposed generosity of Senegal president. While they've recently seen a strengthening of their economy, it's still a very very poor country with very high unemployment. 48% as of last year. Looks like a play for votes to me.