Monday, January 25, 2010

Photos at Temple

Here is our trip to the temple to take photos so I could practice different settings. Not sure I learned much since most still didnt turn out like I wanted. I really just dont like most anything out of portrait mode.

Lets start off to a memory lane trip for me and my dad. Just around the corner from the temple was a little sandwich shop where we ate a few times. Here is what it is now. It is quite a run down little building and you have to pay to park.
Off the grounds of the temple you can see Oakland, the bay, San Francisco and both the Oakland Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge.
The church is doing their part in concern to water conservation in California. All the fountains and the stream are turned off. This is what the bottom of a fountain looks like as an interesting backdrop.
My little poser for a daughter (hehe) she had fun letting me take pictures.
Baby J looking through the fence over a bridge to the empty stream turned out nice. One of my favorite pictures. There is one of him kissing the camera through it too but apparently I didnt load that one on here.
Apparently the flash wanted to pop out in a few of these pictures after a while. I did figure out it was when I was pointing it high enough to get too much clouds and it washed out her face a bit.
I ask her to say cheese and sure enough she did!
So did Baby J here as well. He wasnt as good attention wise to me taking photos so you get a lot of gritted teeth and looking away pictures.
One of the first ones I took. It was a bit windy too so her hair looks wind swept.
Perhaps I should think of some religious motivation saying and write it with this and write in big letters at the top ASPIRE TO INSPIRE or something.
This is another one of my favorites. I cant help but think this fence looks so odd but I found it an interesting shot.
Doesnt his head look gainormous compared to the distant shot of the Oakland and SF.
Here is what I was talking about, my little poser again! This time blocking my shot :)
Of course any photo trip to the temple wouldnt be complete without a shot of the Christus. I doubt we are gonna see this one published for its wonderful merits but the statue brings a tone and feeling whenever you see it.
Posing at the feet of Jesus. It is quite funny to see this.
Thats is the best photos. Kinda sad huh! Well perhaps I can never satisfy my on criticism.


Katy said...

you totally don't give yourself enough credit, these pictures are fabulous! I love the panoramic pic of the city, wow! and your kids are ADORABLE, you really captured some wonderful smiles and looks. Another fave was of the two kids looking up at the temple... it's totally a framer!!!! great job, Blake!

Jackie said...

Wonderful and made me homesick for you guys and for my Temple.