Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Basic To Basics New Year

Reflecting the past year there are so many areas that I feel I did not grow in at all and wanted to. There are some goals I made for the new year that, lets face it didn't happen, though I did make it till march before I quit! :)

There are some things however that I didn't mean to work on that I improved on and these are great things for me. These bring me great joy for their effect on me and my family and have brought me so wonderful memories and experiences.

I guess that many people are good at the basic things but there are many different things for myself that I feel are good to get back to. Perhaps it is the fact that we are back from "vacation" and what we were doing before we have to retrain. Not sure but there are definitely a few things to work on for the new year.

Spell check blog posts (hehe)
Far less yelling
More soft answers
No more swearing
Picking up before bed
8:30-9:00pm kids bedtime
More scriptures
More prayer
More FHE

Quite simple I suppose and perhaps but I am one who always hate making "resolution" because they are usually always broken by the end of January. The thing different this year is I'm giving myself a time table of increments. Read x amount a day for 2 months and then increase to 2x the next two. It is a new way for me to make goals/resolutions and I'm hoping it will work well.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Way to go! Awesome, you have in spired me. I might make some goals today. I haven't done it yet. Scared I'll break them, har.