Monday, November 16, 2009

Last Weeks Pictures

There are just a few pictures, which might not be that great of quality but hey this is our family for sure. First I just have to start with the combo of a couch potato, grungy hat, ladies man shirt, book well you will see the rest! LOL!
This is a new dress we got really cheap somewhere and we found some pants down the halloween isle at target 75% off so it was nice to get a whole outfit.
This is me and the crazy loud kids at K's first concert. She did so great we are proud of her doing so well with less practice that just about anyone else there.
I did get her sitting ready to play in the philharmonic just before they started. She was raising a hand to tell me to go sit back down :) but I just had to get a picture with her viola! Shes so wonderful.
Of course I had to surprise her with some flowers after all it was her first concert and isnt that tradition? Besides that just doing something extra nice is always good to do for her cus she works so hard! Sure love you babe!

1 comment:

Katy said...

That's so great that your wife plays in an orchestra!!! She's really pretty!