Saturday, August 8, 2009

Santa Cruz Beach Day

We just had to get out of the house again today and so we thought that we would drop down to a beach. Seems how Santa Cruz is close we decided to go there. There are two things I have discovered while there. One Santa Cruz is a dirty little hippie/bum/druggy/surfer town. Just how it appeared to me today though Im sure there are some great things about it. Second is I really stink at catching sand dollars as they wash up on shore with the tide. I was out there for over an hour getting completely soaked trying to get a whole one and with several escaping my grasp I settled for one that was 90% complete.
The kids, as always enjoyed throwing around sand in and out of buckets getting everyone around watery eyed with sand! Dont you just love kids. They loved being able to dig in something though!
My baby took this cool picture with blurred background and some good detail focusing on the sand! We both kind of like the picture so here you go!
Just had to brag about my new "top gun"/"military" look sun glasses. My dad gave me some which are most excellent that wrap around and even shade the side of your eyes. I just feel a lot like Dr. Emmett Brown when I wear them so I wanted something a little less bulky on my face. Self taken picture obviously cus of the arms being reflected off the glasses.
Here is just some fishing boat off the pier there. I was too far to see if they were doing anything but the sardines were in and there were quite a few sea lions from what we heard around. We picked up some freshly caught salmon from over seas since it is illegal to fish it here. Behind it is the brown in the ocean which is probably kelp and sea weed just hangin around.


Katy said...

Your kids are stinkin adorable!!!! And sweet shades, B! I wish i lived in a place where i could take pictures of cool looking boats... I love boat pics!

Rach said...

Very Fun! I am glad that you got a break and I love your sunglasses.

B-Blogit said...

Katy it is a pretty sweet boat! Im was feeling a bit like Captain Sparrow and wanted to jump off and commodeer it but considering it was at least a 15 foot drop into the water I chickened out! Not so savy!

The picture didnt turn out as well as I had hoped and I had another one of it too but I like that one the best. So I will just have to work on taking pictures of distant subjects!