Thursday, August 13, 2009

Little Miss Weston

Yesterday I was taking pictures of things that fit the word Caution. Anyhow I thought of this. My daughter dressed herself and picked out the shades herself from the dollar store. It is caution alone to let her go out in public with shoes and socks like this with a skirt.
The following sequence of photos was demanded to be taken by said little girl and she even posed herself how she wanted. Anyway the shades remind me of Michael Weston from burn notice. So hence Little Miss Weston!


Katy said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!! Watch out, Dad, she's a firecracker already! what a total sassykins, i already love her! I love that last one.... total 'tude!

JAW said...

OH MY GOODNESS! wow she's getting big. And I'm missing it. Blake. i'm sorry I don't know your kids better. They are adorable. I lov eyou and your family so much!

Rach said...

Oh wow she is so cute! And a total poser! How much fun is that.