Sunday, June 14, 2009

Different Observations

In church I had many different observations today. First that the spirit really enlightens your understanding. Everything seems to be more clear.

Next is when the woman behind me sitting with her family started talking about her daughter going to young womans camp in 2 more years. Women randomly list things I think. Men dont think of that very often we are more of a here and now thought process. Just a difference in how we think.

Another is how good my kids are. There were kids all over and somewhat loud and mine stayed in their chairs and colored. If they get to loud I say do you need to go out and practice to be reverent and they say no and are quiet. The last is about ther word of wisdom and people after they are recently baptized and smoke again. Elder Oaks came to the Hartford stake on my mission and spoke on sins that you can see and sins that smell. He said that newly baptized men that smoked can still get the aaronic priesthood as a motivating tool.

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