Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pictures with Rach

We are so please to have my sister here with us this week. She is great and we have had a lot of fun with her, keeping her up late at night, dragging her around all day everywhere. Im sure she will be more exhausted when she goes home than when she came out! Guess we are just an active family. Here are pictures we have taken so far. Camera handling has shifted between K and I, but I could probably tell you who shot what. I try harder than K does to take good pictures and it works about half the time. She doesnt need to try she just takes great pictures. See the one of the big jellyfish in the slideshow below and you will see how good she is.
Pictures Here


Jackie said...

Thank you for the photo's. I am so glad I got to be a part of the trip from afar. I appreciate seeing and still wish I could be there too.

Alicia said...

Great pictures! Rachel's haircut is so cute! I love going to the aquarium. That looks like a very fun time for you guys and the kids!