Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Letter to Jo Jo

So I have been slacking lately on my letters to my sister! She is the best little sister in the world. She stays up some nights talking with me on messenger and I just love it. The other night in early morning hours for both of us when we couldnt sleep we texted and it was great. Here she is, and she is cute huh? Well Im the big brother protector so you have to be fantastic to think about dating her!

Jo, I think it would be fantastic to go on the plane like that and I know you can do it. I think you have my disease where you question yourself and dont have as much confidence in your abilities. I often learn by making mistakes and as much as it sucks it is the best learning experience. I mean look at me now, it only took me till I was 28 to start my masters degree which was a mistake but here I am anyway. But learning from them is the best experiences.

Well we found out how much nurses get paid at K's hospital and we might work on getting a permenant postion here while J'alee is doing her thing and cus we like it out here. The weather is nice. We will keep you posted on that.

1 comment:

Rach said...

She is such a hottie! and we love her!