Saturday, January 24, 2009

Finally at home

We are all set up in our new place now. There are still things everywhere because it is taking us longer to unpack everything. I guess we feel more tired and we have been going out more. It is a nice place that is fairly new. They gave us a 42 inch tv to use, flat screen and it is really nice! I look at it as if it is unnatural now because things are so big. We caught up on our tv and seeing Grissom on CSI for the last time was sad but we had a nice big view!
We drove through the night from grandmas to here. When we were leaving SLC we could see the haze of the pollution and inversion hanging over like a thick brown fog. It was absolutely disgusting! I havent ever seen it that bad. They have gone two weeks without snow or rain though and that is usually what clears it out. Guess I should have been more grateful for the snow then.
It was good weather all the way. There was snow on Donner Pass but it was plowed off when we got there. It was raining on the way in the valleys. It is still raining now too. Guess it is a lot like Washington in that regard. It is pretty green like WA too.
As we were driving and J'alee woke up and saw the palm trees she said those are jungle trees and we dont live by jungle trees. I said well we do now! K likes them a lot, it does give it a more exotic feel I guess. We are all excited the dry red skin we all had is now fading away and K doesnt even have to use a moisturizer because of the humidity and weather. It is just between 55-60 degrees here even with the rain and we go out in short sleves without coats or jackets and still feel a bit hot. Everywhere around us people have jackets and coats so they look at us funny. Last night we even got into the pool and swam for a while. People walking by kept stopping and asking us if it was cold. It is a heated pool so it wasnt too bad, but we told them we are used to below freezing weather so this is like warm for us.
Our neighbor just moved in last night also and has a 18 month old boy as well. She said that her husband is coming in 1 month and I think she said they were from Prague.
All in all we are settled, got here safe and enjoying it so far.

1 comment:

Rach said...

I am glad that you are safe in jungle land :)