Sunday, December 21, 2008

Food and Fun

For our 5th anniversary we wanted to do something together that would be fun and we would remember forever. K's coworker told her about a place called The Melting Pot. It is a wonderful place. Valet parking, nice atmosphere close to the town Christmas lights you can see.

It is a fondue place. You sit at a table and in the middle is a place to put a fondue pot that is headed by controls on the side of the table the waiter can turn.
You start with 4 choices. First you choose your cheese fondue (top right). Then they bring out bread, fruit and veggies for you to dip into the melted fondue pot. It is wonderful. There were apples there and the waiter told us that it is quite common to put apples with cheese, which Im not too familiar with. But it was ok. We got a spinich cheese fondue and it was fantastic.

Then you choose the type of brew you want your main course cooked in (left). There is an oil base, caribbean blend or a vegetable stock type flavoring. We chose the caribbean one and it smelled fantastic. They brought it out in another fondue pot and the aroma was just fantastic.

The third thing is to select what kind of course you want. The picture just to the right is a lobster tail that was included (right middle). Im not a big fan of lobster but K is. Shrimp, chicken, pork, fillet mignon were the ones I liked. We chose to get something with a variety of meats. They also brought out veggies and a few pastas. You put them in the fondue pot to cook for approx. 2 minutes each and they are done. It was very good!

Then the last choice you have is what kind of chocolate fondue to have (left). We chose a chocolate and carmel kind and it was so fantastic! Fruit, rice crispy treats, brownies and cheesecake were brought out to dip into it (right).

I have pictures of each and Im sorry they arent better but I forgot my camera so I only had the low quality pictures from the cell phone that I had with me at the time. Thanks to uncle N for watching the
kids while we went out.
We would definately go back after we budgeted in for it or we were on top of debt but it was a good experience for a one time thing. So if you go it is excellent, fun, nice atmosphere but on the pricey side.


Rach said...

It looks yummy I want some!

carolyn q said...

Sounds like your Anniversary Dinner was wonderful and very yummy too. Scott and I have been meaning to get to the one in SLC to try it out but just haven't found the time.
I know that I am very bad at sending cards (Birthday's, Anniversaries) but I was thinking of you guys on your day that you share with Craig and Shawna. This is the first time your anniversary actually fell on the same day you were married . . Friday, how cool.
Congrats on 5 years. You are a great couple.

Troy and Alice said...

Where do you guys live?