Monday, November 3, 2008

Stupidity Prevails

Stupidity once again prevails among the masses! Once again the stupidity is surrounded politics. In Virginia there is a flyer circulating around in one area of a town that the elections for "Democratic leaning voters" to go vote Nov. 5th. Read Here

I just have three things to say. If you are one who circulated or help to circulate this flyer you are a complete and utter retard and should get your right to vote taken away. You also deserve all criminal charges that will come with the investigation that is now launched. The third thing is if you believed this flyer you are a completely unaware, naive, clueless, or retarded. Everyone knows elections are on the first Tuesday in November. Check the calender people the 5th is a Wednesday!


Andrea said...

ok blake i agree that yes some people aren't the smartest but the word retarded is the lowest word and I just wanted to stand for what that word means to me! Please don't refer to people with that word! Any other word would have been ok. I have a very special part of me and my life that loves people unconditionally that have any type of handicapp! just wanted to let you know how I felt! Miss you guys and hope that all is well!

B-Blogit said...

I apologize for my poor choice of wording. I have experiences in my life with people as well as you. I didnt mean any disrepect with you or them.
I have been taught a lesson to choose a different word next time.

Andrea said...

I didnt even think you would post it or even ever talk to me!!! I was scared! I just hate that word and debated if I should say something or not! THanks love you guys!!!!