Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Activities

There has been several things going on lately with the fam that I just cant put it all in several posts. J'alee has been deprived of lipstick since "the incident" with that, she was grounded from lipstick. So today I look at her after letting her play for a bit downstairs and sure enough she has something on her lips. This time it wasnt was blue. Anyone have any guesses? Well I'm sure no one would guess PERMENANT MARKER! Yes, its true she put blue permenant marker on her lips for lipstick. Fortunately it wore off pretty fast, unfortunately I didnt get a picture of it.

Baby J has been on a regular scheduel of Signing Time. He sits in front of it for about 5-7 minutes. That would be just long enough for the food signs to end and a few play signs. The boy loves food. Anyway we turned it on for him the other day and he will do eat, more, ball. He tries dad and mom but it doesnt work out so well. He can say a few more words too but they arent as audiable to most people. The kid got his mom's brains!

The move isnt going so well, we keep having other things come up to prevent us from packing up. My friend from work Yamas got married today. She is very happy with her new hubby she knew from high school. It was a nice small wedding with her favorite colors and of course Angels and Airwaves in the wedding video!

The dogs got groomed and have never looked so small or smell so good before. I finally broke down and just wiped my laptop and re-installed windows on it since it crashed. Today the computer does it more automatically than it has in recent years so it takes less time.

1 comment:

Rach said...

I am glad that your computer works now. They are pricey beasts to replace.
PS you have a very ecletic set of music on your blog.