Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day out on Front Runner

Well we took advantage of the free weekend of rides on Front Runner as did most everyone else I know. We went Tuesday. It was very full. One of the trains didnt come cus the door wouldnt shut and they had to repair it. So we had two hours worth of people on the train. There was 200 people on the car we were in and we had to keep stopping for other trains.

So in a review of the new Front Runner. It is going to be great once the kinks are all worked out. Stopping for other trains needs to be cordinate better so there are only stops at schedueled stops. As for doors breaking well there are always repairs on the buses and cars so it doesnt matter much. Im sure things will be ironed out with experience on Front Runner. The thing I wish most is that it went a little faster. It is just as fast as driving with no traffic so the benefit is mostly the same, cept for money and to most time is money. So waiting at stops is money so they might just prefer to drive.
We went to the gateway and ate at Happy Sumo. It is a sushi and stake house pretty much. We had the Vegas Roll which is crab and salmon sushi with guacamolie and other things in it. Oh my was it good. Im not a huge lover of sushi but this was fabulous! The food was good too. I had a peanut sauce stir fry that was excellent. I dont normally eat peppers and onions in a salad or stir fry but in this i ate them and it was all good. We had the best server there. Racheal was THE best I have ever had so if you go there you can ask for her. For menu and sushi menu's visit their website here. I did take pictures but they didnt turn out well so you will have to trust me and try it yourself.
After that we went to Hansen Planitarium. It is now located off The Gateway and it was awesome. There have lots of exhibits including a place where you can walk on Mars and the Moon. We saw the U2 Laser show which was kind of cool, but the music was the best part. I highly recommend going to the Planitarium.

1 comment:

GeNee said...

Sounds like a fun outing. We will have to try the train and the Happy Sumo.