Monday, April 28, 2008

Connecticut - History

As all of you know CT is a liberal state with a lot of liberal thinking. This seems to have always been the case. The state was founded by the Dutch settlers who left Mass. Bay (Boston area) and settled the "Connecticut Colonies" "New Haven Colonies" and "Saybrook Colonies".
Members of the Connecticut and New Haven colonies (the main population of the state still today) came up with the Foundamental Orders. Bascially it was the first document of its kind in the Colonies. It is compaired to the Constitution and in particular the Bill of Rights. In it are outlined rights of an individual to government structure. It was taken by the governor to England and approved by king Charles II.
In 1662 it was replaced by the Royal Charter which basically was the same thing. This one wasnt approved by the successor king James II. In discussions between the govenor he appointed (Sir Edmund Andros) and the colonial delegate the lights were put out and the document was thrown out the window and hidden in a crevis in a tree which is now called the Charter Oak, named after the charter that it hid.
The story now told is that Gov. Andros demanded the charter. A duplicate was made in advance to his arrival from England and was used in negotiations with the appointed govenor later. The Historical Society in Hartford claims that they have the original charter on display today in Hartford.

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