Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Movie Reviews

We Own the Night R for violence, language

This movie seemed to have great potential with the likes of Mark Wahlburg, Robert Duvall, and Jaquin Phoenix.

Duvall is the chief of police in NYC and Wahlburg is his promising son rising through the ranks. There is a battle with the Russian drug ring going on with police department. Phoenix is the "druggie" son of Duvall. Phoenix finds himself offered in on the drug trafficing by the same Russian that shoots his brother.

If you skip the first 5 minutes of the show you miss the sex scene. I saw it starting and skipped forward, you will be okay after that point. Phoenix delivers a pretty good preformace in the action role here. Wahlburg and Duvall are good but have limited roles. Overall this movie fails to deliver the suspense and thrill that I long to see but doesnt totally disappoint me. It does an average job.

Michael Clayton R for languange and brief violence

This really has only one violence scene. Cloony plays Michael Clayton who is a clean up lawyer for the big clients on retainer and any dirty messes that need to be cleaned up and kept under raps by the company. Cloony finds himself trying to help a collegue who snaps and starts to reviel damaging evidence against a big client. Cloony finds himself so wrapped up in it he has to decide to help to hinder his friend.

This movie was a snoozer till the last 30 minutes. It take too long to build the plot. I started out in the dark till about half way through the movie. No thrill or suspense in this one. What can you expect from a doctor actor turned producer/actor on the same show.

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