Sunday, July 15, 2007

Video Games Do Waste Your Life

If anyone you are wonding about the impact of video and computer games then look at this news article.,2933,289331,00.html
Two parents were playing their video games so much they starved their kids, social workers took the kids to the hospital. Now their kids might have bad bones, health and developmental delays. Me while the kids might be taken away and the damage that can cause from foster families and not being with your own parents.
This is really messed up. I plead with you if you play these games so much you dont pay attention to anything else. Please please lock the controller away or cut the cord and pay attention to what is around you like family, friends, home, nature, outdoors, exercise, fun, books and more!


Anonymous said...

Amen to that.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I see it everyday at work. So Blake you are totally right.