Sunday, May 20, 2007

Georgia Rules - The movie

Georgia Rules R for sexual content and some language.
I watched this one not knowing what it was rated.

This movie is the classic battle between mom and daughter that is so bad the mom enlists the help of her own mother whom she is having the same battle with. The misbehaving Lindsay Lohan is a rebell Californian caught up in her grandmothers home town of Hull Idaho. References to the LDS church are made and misconstrude just a bit.
Lohan's own mother was driven to drinking by her own grand mother and the issues between them. In the process of trying to change Lohan revels that she has been sexually abused by her mothers husband. Since there is distrust and and rage between them it is a battle of who is telling the truth or not.
This movie is a prime example of the damage families can do to each other by not treating each other right. It is also a good example of the damage to a young kid who is abused as a child. This part of the movie is a good portrail of the damage but overall somewhat depressing and sad.
There are quite a few sexual references that are fairly strong in reference and a few scenes get semi-graphic. Overall I would not recommend this movie to anyone. Although Lohan does turn in a better preformance that I thought she would it is still not worth the money to pay for it in the theathre or an expensive rental. If you want to see the hurt and hardship of those who are sexually abused watch Law and Order: SVU it is less graphic more sensitive and upbeat than this show.

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