Saturday, October 12, 2013

San Diego Trip: Part 2

Sorry you are going to get bombed with photos from the San Diego Zoo.  I am very glad that we went here.  I loved it.  I just wish I had more time to spend there than I did!
 my little one loves snakes.  He was running window to window wide eye yelling "nake" all the time.  Even at the lizards which he called "lisards".  Close enough.

 On the sky tramp over from the top of the zoo across the "river" and back.  what fun it was to sit with my son and relax in the cool ocean breeze and see some of the city ariel style and get off my feet!
 We really enjoyed seeing the polar exhibit.  The mama polar bear just went inside her habitate the day before and usually only goes in like that to have her babies.  Yes she was expecting, so Animal Planet doesnt need to do a show on "I didnt know I was pregnant".

 This hippo loves to get squirted down with water.  Almost like brushing teeth, taking a bath and a massage all at the same time!  Perhaps I need a new shower head!
 This guy has an unfortunate job, feeding the crocs!  No not the shoes.  Look and you can see their long slender mouths with jagged teeth sticking up.  I have nightmares about having to do this!  But it was fun to watch them feed.
 We saw the chimps and orangutangs.  I am not sure this chimp was the smartest of the bunch he was playing with a pie he made himself!  Ewww!!  Yes, he sniffed it and ate it too.

 Harry, there you are!  The Hendersons are looking for you.

 California Condors, nearly all extinct, but were saved thanks to San Diego Zoo efforts and the populations are growing.  I remember seeing these as a kid growing up in CA.  Glad to see they are coming back.
 This is no laughing matter....we didnt get to hear the heyenahs laugh!  I was a little sad about that!

 I have been on a life long quest to see a Koala Bear!  I finally did.  They had some at the zoo.  This one was just hanging out in the "tree" as we rode the bus right by it!

 Thought I stopped in Texas for a bit by seeing an Armadillo up close.  This one was wiley, it was running away from the zoo worker.
 My kids love goats...even enough to alert the zoo staff when they peed and pooped!  HAHA!

 Red pandas are usually sleeping when we see them at the zoos.  We saw this one shortly before closing and it was out!  Im glad I got to see it actually move instead of sleep.
 Of course the famed pandas!  I love pandas and my son kept saying pandas over and over again.  It was so quite in there I think he would have woken the entire world "pandas, pandas pandas".  This little toddler panda was cute.  I think we caught them at dinner time.  Mama panda was out eating too, on the otherside of the habitat.  Sometimes I think she is on to something there...she doesnt care if her baby makes a mess though since the park workers clean up...maybe i need some park workers!

 My sweet girl at the pandas.  She was looking forward to this too.  This was my best shot of her since she was always helping with the boys or playing or moving around so all the shots were blurry!

 I just love this one.  Baby panda rolled too far back and tipped over and just stayed there eating away!  Panda moon!
 Just before close mom and my sweet girl headed for the exit and I took the boys to see the gorillas.  We caught them just as they were heading inside before the sun started to go down.  They were cool.  I ended up walking in circles twice before I finally found my way back to the exit.  Please note, all panda shots were done by my lovely wife!
 There were lots of beautiful plants, trees and flowers there.  These were some hibiscus that i liked in particular.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Ava was watching the online feed of the panda today. How many days do you think one should devote to the San Diego Zoo? We're thinking of going in 2014.