Sunday, July 28, 2013

Always Silly in My House

My kids recently watched Teen Beach Movie.  They loved it so much I found myself buying the soundtrack on iTunes.

Once my kids had to randomly break out into 50s replica dance moves from the movie to the song Crusin for a Brusin'.  I decided to take a picture.  I decided to send it to Ross Lynch and Maia Mitchell.  My daughter said "you can do that?  They know you?"  I said "No, they don't know me but I cand send it to them through the internet and maybe they will see it."

Sure enough Maia Mitchell marked the picture as a favorite on Twitter.  My daughter, who has taken acting and modeling classes before, gave many smiles, giggles and lots of excitement when I told her that Maia liked the photo.

To Maia thanks for helping me make a great day for my kids!  Good luck in your music and acting career!

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