Saturday, August 27, 2011

My iPhone R.I.P!

Well we went camping out to a church own property this weekend with the ward camp out.  It was a lot of fun.  We got to slide down a giant slip and slide and we even rented a canoe and went out on the Yakima River.  That was a lot of fun too.  Well mom and the two oldest went out in the canoe first and it looked like they were about to crash.  Well, me thinking....wife and kids...capsizing...drowning ran right out into the water clutching the baby in one arm reaching for the canoe on the other.   Well needless to say I am now left with asking this question.
(please dont click I dont know where the picture will take you)

Yep, totally forgot that my phone was in my pocket and now it wont turn on.  So $400 mistake and now we have lost some great pictures!!!  And what do I have to show for it...nothing my act of heroism was for not since they weren't even close to capsizing let alone drowning...I was extremely too overprotective in that moment.

So, now the thing that keeps my calendar for work and I get all my work emails on gone!  Lets hope that the company has paid for insurance/apple care on it and that it will cover a soaked phone!


Rachel Holloway said...

Oh Blake! That is SO, SO, SO sad! I am so bummed for you! HOPING they replace it! :)

jackieadams said...

Man child to the rescue. I'm sorry about your phone. Glad no one drowned.