Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is it Better with 1 or 2

When you go to see an eye doctor you often get the question if it is better with 1 or 2.  Well I am about to give you this choice here.  I am now learning the wonderful program of Photoshop.  It is quite large and I feel a little overwhelmed and lost with everything in it.  So to learn my way around and what features do I have taken a photo of us last summer and edited it.

1.  Edited in Picasa with the limited features it does have
2.  Here it is edited with a few enhancements with Photoshop.  Guess it might not be able to tell the different till you look at it larger.

So there you have it.  Help me out let me know what you think and what you have done with your photoshop on your photos I need the help!


jackieadams said...

With my poor eyes I can't see much difference. I bet photo shop is going to be best though. I bet photo shop will do a lot of cool stuff after you go through the learning curve. Maybe you can size some photos 3x3 for me. I'm still trying to do that. You are your family look great with that background behind you.

Azteroth said...

I agree with the previous comment.

Phil and Cami said...

I can't help you out with the photoshop ideas cuz I'm a point and shoot kinda girl with zero experience. But, I can tell you I like number two better. I am looking at the pics on my iPad and 2 is clearer and better colored than one.

oldangelgirl said...

I actually had to look at both of them in the small version, but when I did I could definitely see the improvement in picture 2. The colors are brighter and clearer, there was less of a shadow obscuring the people. That's what I noticed. Hope it helped!