Sunday, January 9, 2011

Spare Change and Random Words

We were checking out at the grocery store the other day and there was a coinstar machine there.  A man was dumping coins in and when he finished he printed his recipt and went away to shop.  Probably a very wise man since he had a small bucket full and got at least 10 bucks I bet.

Well leave it to boy.  As we are walking by the now abandonded machine he reaches his hand into the return tray and low and behold there is probably about 1-2 bucks worth in coins down there.  So one by one he is just pulling them out.  Of course sister is tantilized by the sight and she joins in.  As you can imagine a fight might insue so we promptly intervien before it does and offer to hold their money till we get home.  Mostly cus I dont want it lost in the car along with the hundreds of other coins, toys, barettes, straws and french fries.

By taking the money was nice because they didnt fight.  After we were in the car Baby J started crying for his money.  J'alee out of the blue comes out and says "Dont think about money right now think about Jesus or something".  I and in the words of Monk I was "LOLing out loud".

I figure with things becoming tighter with the new baby to come that has to be a motto for me.  So it is kind of great she said it so I can remember and think about Jesus when the stress of money comes along.  I dont think when it is time to pay the bills Im going to have some type of religous experience now...but perhaps it will be a little different now.


Candace said...

that is the sweetest story!!!! love it!!!

Rachel Holloway said...

so sweet! And what words of wisdom!!!

Alicia said...

This is a great post. I need to think about Jesus today. Cute kids.

Jackie said...

The wisdom of children, the mouth of babes.