Friday, September 3, 2010

The More the Funnier

Some people say with old age comes wisdom. Well Im really old now and I am not any the wiser.  In fact my kids are getting older and they are just getting funnier.  So the older you are the funnier you are not the wiser.  Perhaps that is what wisdom really is anyway!

Im going to tell you a few things that have happened lately really just to document them as wiser me seems to also lose his you can be old, wise and lose memories all at the same time I will never understand.  Kind of like good government lately anyway.

Nevertheless here it is. While swimming I was holding on to the side off the pool and my son says "hey hey you got something under there" while pointing under my arm.  Well that is a bit embarrassing for me but yes I did have some armpit hair.

Today at dinner my daughter says "dad I cant eat anymore super big bites, I can just do large ones".  "Ok babes you do large ones".  She also starts to sing The Ants Go Marching and she struggles with the verse so I picked it up and she looked at me in amazement and she asked where I learned that and I said from my class when I was your age.  She smiled so big and gasped and asked "did you have the same teacher as me".

I said "babes you have to stop growing up".  "well God made it so I have to grow up". Daddy says "well tell God I said no then"...."No daddy we cant say that to God or you will be in trouble".  Yes, yes I sure would be in trouble!  I regretted saying it right after I did. Obviously it is irreverant and disrespectful not to mention a bad example.

There are a few memories but my wisdom is leaking out and I cant remember them right now!  :)  But I am having loads of fun watching my littler girl grow up and learn things and live for school! She is bummed out that tomorrow is Saturday!  She would rather go to school.  I never was that way so I am happy that she feels that way.  Lets hope it stays that way or I will have to hunt down Mrs. Honey and kick Mathilda out.


Katy said...

hhah!! love that! your kids are so sweet! and EW... armpit hair... gross! :) haha!

oldangelgirl said...

That's so funny!! You gotta cut it out with the 'old' thing, though, cause it's starting to hurt my feelings... :)