Sunday, September 20, 2009

More Funny Moments

So I have lots to write about but for now I will just make a quite post about the funny things that happen around here. Today J'alee was drawing and she said "Daddy how do you draw clouds I dont know how to do it". "Ok, let me show you how some people do it". So I drew 2 clouds. Then she says "No daddy, those dont look like clouds".

With Baby J we work on knowing body parts and so I point to head, hand, elbow, knee stuff like that and say "what's this" and he will tell me. So we went from head all the way down and I pointed to his toe and said "what's this" and he stay "piggy!". Apparently he really like do have me do that with his toes! He is a character for sure!


Katy said...

kids are so funny! your kids especially!!!

B-Blogit said...

yeah thanks Katy I sure get a laugh from them! I bet your daughter is funny too since you are so funny!