Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Winds of Change

Growing up in Idaho it seemed that it was windy quite a lot there! When we lived in Denver it didn't change much. Winds would sweep down the mountains and right across the city causing howling from under the doors. I had to put a towl in front of them to stop the sound of the lone wolf coming in.
It seems to me that wind is a constant in life. It is one of the forces of erosion. We have seen things shaped by it and worn away. We see it rip things up in hurricanes and tornadoes. It seems it is a very destructive force in nature. It also can bring good things. It does blow around seeds of all kinds which grow to plants, flowers trees. It dives boats, animals and cools us off in the summer heat.
The phrase winds of change is just like this. It can have a destructive influence. For example blogging got big and many people got on board. Even in our family we had a plethora of posts and comments. The winds of change have blown and that has swept on through. Maybe we are on to the next big thing or maybe we are all busy! There have been a lot of new babies born! Families have to have communication as we all know from our own experiences. I for one love the family blogs and you all know already.
So lets get the winds of change to blow back in the seeds and cool breeze so we can keep up with each other and flood each other with comments and updates!

So I have a few tips to offer to do this. Everyone can go into the blog layout and add the blog list and put in whatever blog they want. All you do is type in the web address in. Then it will stay on the side of your own blog with the name of the blog, title of the last post and how long ago the post was.

There is an option to have an RSS subscription basically this adds it to an list that updates you when there is a post.

You can become a follower of a blog. Most blogs will have a follower spot on their blog and you can click to become one. Then when you log in a you can scroll to the bottom and it will show you the updates from all the blogs you are a follower on.

Another tip is if you have a log in with google (blogger, gmail, etc.) you can use Google Reader. You can go to after you log in and then click my account in the top right. Then there will be 3 columns of choices. In the middle column you can click on Reader. Then you can add any blog you want to in there and it will tell you when there is a new post. You can also read old posts through there.

The other option is to use Igoogle is basically like a customized homepage. You can go there and add the google reader widget in there and it will show you all the blogs there. Every time there is a new post for blogs you add in there it will show a link to it.

If you want more blogging tips let me know or I can post more later on things you can add on to attract people to it.


Jackie said...

Hey - I agree with your Winds of Change post. However, you are very smart about your instructions and I don't understand even half of it. But with your help and patience I will "get with the program". OK?

Jackie said...

I am referring to your blogging instructions.
Now as for the article: that's a different story. I understood it completely - very, very good writing and good analogy and sybolism. Hmmmmm, are you going to be a writter?