Friday, March 20, 2009

Two Reviews

I wanted to mention 2 things we have seen lately for everyone. First is the Fox TV series Lie To Me. It is fantastic. There is little language and pretty much no sexual content. It is great and you learn a little about facial expressions and how people lie. I highly recommend it for everyone to watch. You can see episodes on FOX website, I believe all of them are still on their for you to view for free.

We also saw Race to Witch Mountain yesterday. Im sure everyone has heard about it. It is a more modern spin on the older movies. It isnt too bad but it isnt anything close to an epic film. If any of you saw the movie "The Seeker" the boy in that film plays the this as well. J'alee closed her eyes a few times in the movie but overall it wasnt too scary for her. Baby J just slept through most of the whole thing which was nice. There were some mildly intense parts, but overall it was just an ok movie. It does leave it open for more movies at the end though so we will see "The Rock" in another Disney film in the future I guess.


Rach said...

I like Lie to Me as well. I was a little worried it would be bad but I am completely thrilled about learning about body language and I am facinated by it. It does deal with hard situations so little children may not like it. I want to see Race to Witch Mountain too so I am glad it was ok.

JAW said...

Mmmm the Rock. lol
sorry sorry. I couldn't resist.