I have decided on my top 5 picks for American Idol. Yes I watch. Mostly it is just about my wife and I having a tradition of sitting down together and watching it. My kids are in it too. It is just fun because of that.
Here are my top 5 picks in no particular order of course bold names are my top three. This is based of their voices and preformances since the beginning. Just my opinion of course.
Allison Iraheta
Alexis Grace
Danny Gokey
Lil' Rounds
Anoop Desai
I like Allison and Lil. I am surprised you didn't list Adam. Brandon and I liked him until that "Ring of Fire" song. I mean, it was okay, but kind of Jack White-esque and a little copy cat of artists like the singer for Smashing Pumpkins or even Dave Mathews. I just don't think Adam is as current as the judges say he is.
I agree with you Adam isnt current. He sings and acts like a lot of 70's bands. Steve Tyler from Aerosmith, Gene Simmons from Kiss, and he has the Rolling Stones scream. It is really old and theatrical.
I dont like him much and I thought that song, while interesting with the middle eastern sounds was scary. If I were to say it in the words of Simon I would say that I would only play it at a halloween party with lots to drink and if I was trying to scare people away.
Oh I am also sad Alexis Grace is off the show now too. She didnt do great and the bottom two where the my least 2 of the 3 least favorite performances. She is a better singer than Adam. Guess I should have voted more than 3 times for Alexis.
I agree with your top 5. I was mad that she got voted off! And I detest Adam. He is a girly screamer with man-liner. He needs to go but he is talented performer but I hate his singing style.
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