Wednesday, January 11, 2012

If All Else Fails...Resort to Brownies

There is just something irresistible about brownies!  They are things that everyone seems to love and by gully they are something you can fall back on!

I have been pondering what I can do to keep my house clean and not trip over the toys anymore.  It drives me insane that they just cant pick up at the end of each night even if I tell them to do it.  Two nights ago when I the fantasy children's books Fablehaven on the brain I thought of Brownies.

Yes, thats right not the gooey delicious chocolaty squares that are to die for, but the little mythical creatures that live in walls and steal shiny things.   I felt silly and somewhat inspired so I told my kids that the apartment managers in our office sent me a notice that they had Brownies living in the walls.  I told them that brownies love to take left over toys.  This prompted gasps from the kids and J'alee asked "do they take clothes too".  I said "I dont think so but we better just make sure those are picked up too so we dont lose any".  Baby J had ask more questions about what they would and wouldnt take as if he was going to be selective about which toys he was willing to leave out and have taken by the Brownies.

I did say that they usually give a notice that they have moved in but we should just start picking up so that we dont have to wait for their notice.  J'alee seemed to not be too worried but she definately wanted to pick up so nothing was lost.  Baby J was a little more upset by the news of the Brownies.  There were toys all over the floor and bursting out their closet.  He said "I have to pick up right now so they dont take my toys".  It was late and I said no they will give notice remember?".  He said "what if they dont?  Dad will you guard my toys?".  I assured him two more times that I would guard his toys.

Morning came and as soon as Baby J was awake he was assessing the floor like a dedicated surveyor to see what was taken.  I told him nothing was because I guarded them just like I promised!  So we started last night. Everything was picked up before they went to bed.  I feel an inexpressible joy because again tonight it is all picked up.

If all else fails resort to Brownies I tell you!  It works.


jackieadams said...

Much like Gunny Bag. Only Gunny Bag was real. You can't see those brownies. Your kids will "get chu" when they grow up. But for now it's a great idea while it lasts.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I love this. That is so hilarious and even better that it worked on them! You are too sneaky!