Sunday, December 6, 2009

Not A Lot

There really hasnt been much going on with us for a while. Mostly just more homework after homework. J'alee is doing good in her dance class and she just loves it. She is getting better and more coordinated. Baby J is just growing up fast and loves to play, spit, hit and explore everything. They both are learning counting and especially J'alee is learning ABC's and doing better and basic addition/subtraction (1-5 add/sub).

We did in fact turn the heat on this afternoon for the first time. This came after a chilly 41 degree morning heading off to church. Looks like we are aclimated to the weather now and even 41 is starting to feel cold. We arent sure if we do move back home that we will be able to take the colder temperatures.

For now K and I are just trying to survive these classes and work!


Jackie said...

You are doing more than surviving. You are doing so great Blake. You accomplish so much, way more then I ever did when I had two babies. I am so amazed and proud of you and Kira. I love you and those kiddies. See you soon huh? I'm praying for good weather.

Rach said...

Haha you are doing awsome! You better buy some long un-dies when you come. It is unseasonably cold currently here so be prepared. It was down to 25 below with the wind chill yesterday :)