Friday, December 25, 2009

Glad Tidings of Great Joy

"Behold I give you glad tidings of great shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger"

This is the reason for the holiday. Perhaps it does fall on a pagen holiday and we choose to celebrate it here. Perhaps his death was closer to this date than his birth. No matter what there is to say about the holiday there is so much meaning behind candy canes, christmas trees, stars, gifts, and traditions.

We hope you all spend equal time with spiritual things as you did with the commercial things this Christmas. Just remember that I know he lives and he died for us, is an example for us and will help us. Here are some words to a song "Child in the Manger" to think about this Christmas Day!

Child in the manger, infant of mary
Outcast and stranger, Lord of all
Child who inherits all our transgressions
All our demerits on Him fall

Once the most holy Child of salvation
Gently and lowly live below
Now as our glorious mighty Redeemer
See Him victorious o're each foe

Prophets foretold him Infant of wonder
Angels behold Him on His throne
Worthy our Savior of all our praises
Happy forever are His own.

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Blake, what a wonderful thing you wrote on Christmas. I didn't even see when you did it. I'm so lucky to have you as a son and for your devotion to our Savior. Thank you for everything. I love you and Kira and your darling children. Thank you for coming to my house on Christmas. I loved every moment and I miss you all very much. I hope you live closer soon.