Monday, September 28, 2009

Hot Jungle Flags

We went to Six Flags again to get out of the house. All I can say was it was hot. We took of Baby J's shirt here and got it wet to use as a towel to cool all of our faces and just loaded him with sun screen. J'alee ran through the kid fountains to get wet to stay cool. K and I dumped water on our heads. Here is Baby J telling us he was hot.
Here was Baby J on Thomas the train. He sure loved that ride. I have video of it I will try and get up on the channel soon.

The ride operator took a shot of us here in the caboose! It was fun for all of us!

We did pay the extra $5 bucks to feed the giraff. It is kind of silly but it was worth it. It was fun and Baby J kep saying lick, lick, lick and then ran out and said 1 more and kept doing that for over half an hour feeding the giraff. It was just fun for that. Plus when are we gonna ever be able to do that again.
We saw the tiger show and the have trained the tiger to swim and even dive into the water! We saw some bottle nose dolphins that spit water and blew water out their blow holes on to us. It was so fun to see them. One of them kept following our hands and the kids like it was playing with us through the glass. It was like it loved the attention which was worth standing there!

Blogger isnt really helping me out with pictures today and I dont really feel patient enough to make it work so Im just gonna make a slide show of all the photos so you all can see if you like.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Oh that looks like so much fun! I am glad you got to go. I have never fed/touched a giraffe before so I am a little jealous.