Friday, May 8, 2009

Raising A Good Daughter

We have family in town and we took them into San Fran. It was nice to have them and show them around a bit. We spent most of the time on a harbor cruise and we got lots of pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge and the bay. We also stopped on Pier 39 again. The place just provides for great pictures because of the light from the sun and it seems we are always there when the sun is going down.

There was a juggler there preforming on the stage that said that he works for tips only and asked people to give what they could. We have some spare change and gave it to J'alee to take to him. After she gave it to him he made a joke about how the kids have the money these days. She reached into the new purse that grandma bought her and dug around. Pulled out the penny she is so proud to have and gave it to him. I was watching this seeing the kind heart she is.

On a different note we went out again today and had some fun. Baby J wasnt listening to me and was running away in crowds. I pulled him to me and said fairly sternly to stay by me. J'alee immediately walked up to him gave him a hug held him in her arms and patted his head softly and said "its ok baby". She comforts him whenever something happens, if he falls or get bonked or dad has an impatient moment he immediately feels bad for.

I know that she is a great girl. I sure love her and she makes me so proud for everything she does! I just have the best family in the whole world! Sorry no pictures with this I am just so tired and have a lot going on I will get more on soon.


Rach said...

She is super sweet! And cute so she has the full package :)

Jackie said...

She definitly is very genuine, sweet and selfless. She's a little mother and protector too. You know, she reminds me of someone - hummm, oh yes I know. She reminds me of Blake how he watched over JJ and how he worried about the kids that were "picked on" at school and how he shared. Like father like daughter I say. I'm telling you the truth.