Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day Excursion to Alcatraz

Today we ventured our after the last two windy days out to Alcatraz on a cruise boat. I was kind of nice, though the ride back from the island was very choppy and we bounced a bit more. Poor K is slightly sea sick. Guess I have to get her on more small boats and get her used to it if we were ever to go on a cruise. The kids did well on the boat and wanted to be held so they could see over the side. Pictures are on Photobucket.

It was interesting to learn about the history of the place. The riot of '46 was discussed when inmates staged a breakout and failed. Captured 8 guards and shut them in their cells and shot them. 2 Marines broke through the roof and had to contain them. In all 3 prisoners and 2 guards were killed.

There are more buildings than just the jailhouse. There are/were homes for the warden and other workers homes. Yes families lived on the island but as you learn in the tour that the prisoners rarely got to go out so they never saw the prisoners. It has great views of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge as well as the less spectacular cities of Vallejo and Oakland. We saw a huge freighter come through the bay.

We got to see the hole dug by the 3 prisoners who then climbed the pipes to the roof so they could get off the island. They still have never been found. If I had escaped though I dont think I would have wanted to be found though, even if I survived the strong currents and the freezing cold water. I dont have the pictures on this blog but they are posted on photobucket feel free to see them. Along with that I will have some video of the cell blocks, Michigan Ave, Broadway Ave, CD Street (C Block) and D Block (solitary) that you can see on youtube.

The inside where the prisoners were held is in fairly good shape. The toilets and sinks are almost all gone or broken, but overall in decent shape. The other buildings arent. Most of them have fallen down and are rubble or are blocked off because there is no roof and the walls arent sturdy. This is one of the main reasons it was abandoned. It was too expensive to upkeep and maintain and it was falling apart. Here as you walk into the first building you can see what years of a small island weather will do to a building. Cant you just hear the sinus infection calling you from between this mold?
Here is a shot of us on the south end of the island where you can see the north end of San Fran and the base of the bridge and the tail end of one of the two freighters that pulled through as we were out there. Also you can see the "apparition" in the photo. It isnt a UFO but it is the Alcatraz Ghost out for a swim in the bay. We also got video of it on the side of the prison in the recreation grounds. It is the outer wall of the west side of the prison inside that is the end of CD Street (C Block) where the sun shines into the cells giving the most light. The 6 cells in that end were considered best cells because of the light twice a day and you could hear the sounds of SF especially on New Years.


JAW said...

lol cool! this place looks terrible haha. you take your family cool places! neato. yst I just said neato.

Rach said...

do they lock you in? that would creep me out

Jackie said...

You are seeing a lot! I am enjoying your photo's. How fun for all of us to see!

Jackie said...

Good lookin folks! Hey good lookin - what cha got cookin?